How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure

I came across a learning talk from Julian Treasure on how to speak. Here is a summary of the talk made by Gil Su Kim in the youtube comment section which I find to be worth sharing. Let's enjoy the talk. The video is given at the end of this post.

1.  Seven deadly sins of speaking to avoid

  1. Gossip -> I need to work on this sin
  2. Judging -> I need to work on this sin
  3. Negativity -> I need to work on this sin
  4. Complaining -> I need to work on this sin
  5. Excuses
  6. Lying (embroidery, exaggeration)
  7. Dogmatism (confusion between fact and opinion)

2. What I need to say
Four powerful cornerstones of speech to make a change in the world
c.f. "hail means to greet or acclaim enthusiastically"

  1. H: honesty (be clear and straight)
  2. A: authenticity (be myself)
  3. I: integrity (be my word)
  4. L: love (wish them well)

3. How I need to say
Tools to play with to increase power of my speech

  1. Register: e.g. if wanting weight, lower pitch of voice
  2. Timbre: the way voice feels e.g. breathing, posture
  3. Prosody: rhythm (e.g. not monotone)
  4. Pace: e.g. slow to emphasize
  5. Pitch: e.g. make pitch high or low
  6. Volume: e.g. louder to emphasize

4. Exercise the following before making a presentation

  1. Arms up to sigh out with ahh
  2. Lips with ba ba
  3. Lips with brrr 
  4. Tongue with la
  5. Tongue rolling an r
  6. Siren from we to aww


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